Streamline Your Practice...

...Empower Your Passion

GoPractice Helps Therapists by Providing Unifying Tools

to Navigate the Business of Healing with Ease

Revolutionizing Therapist Marketing

with Smart, Integrated Solutions

Accelerate Your Practice’s Growth

GoPractice propels the expansion of your practice by unlocking powerful marketing and client engagement tools. Harness the potential of targeted strategies and analytics to attract and retain a larger client base, fueling sustainable growth.

Unwavering Support for Your Practice

Experience unparalleled support with GoPractice, where we prioritize the smooth running of your operations. From technical assistance to user-friendly resources, we provide continuous backing to ensure your practice thrives without interruption.

Boost Productivity and Economize Operations

GoPractice is your solution to maximizing efficiency while minimizing costs. Streamline workflows and reduce overhead with our integrated system, designed to optimize your time and resources for a more profitable practice..

What We Offer

GoPractice delivers an all-in-one solution tailored for mental health professionals, combining innovative technology with practical functionality. Elevate your practice with our suite of tools designed for growth, comprehensive support, and enhanced productivity with significant cost savings.

Go Forward:

Simplifying Your Journey

with GoPractice

At GoPractice, we ensure your onboarding is as effortless and efficient as possible. Our dedicated support team is committed to guiding you every step of the way, from selecting the ideal plan to tailoring the platform to your practice's unique needs. With our expert assistance and user-friendly tutorials, you'll experience a seamless transition, setting you up for success from day one.

  • Go Select: Choose the Right Plan

    Embark on your GoPractice journey by selecting the plan that best suits your practice’s unique requirements. Our varied plans ensure that you find the perfect match to nurture and efficiently manage your business.

  • Go Prepare: Gather Your Practice Details

    Lay the groundwork for a smooth transition by compiling key information about your practice. Our tailored onboarding process is crafted to align GoPractice with your specific needs, setting the stage for a more organized and efficient practice management experience.

  • Go Launch: Onboarding Call and Tutorials

    Begin your GoPractice adventure with a customized onboarding call and easy-to-follow tutorials. Our team is dedicated to walking you through each aspect of our platform, equipping you with the knowledge and tools to leverage its full potential right from the start.

Let's Work Together

Discover how GoPractice, a proud product of the Therapist Collective, aligns with our ethos to 'Inspire, Connect, Grow.' Our founder outlines the strategic ways GoPractice supports therapists in expanding their practices, fostering connections with clients, and driving growth.

Learn about the features and benefits of GoPractice and how booking a demonstration call can be your first step towards a more efficient and thriving practice.

What We Offer

Foundation Package

For the Emerging Practice

Ideal for therapists who are just starting out or looking to create a structured approach to managing their practice, the Foundation Package provides essential tools for effective communication and reputation building. This tier simplifies daily tasks, from managing calls and emails to streamlining social media engagement. It's about laying down the solid groundwork necessary for a thriving, connected practice.

  • Contact Management (CRM)

  • Phone/Voicemail

  • Call Reporting

  • Missed Call Text Back

  • Email

  • Google My Business, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok & LinkedIn Integration

  • Reputation Management

  • Conversations

  • Reviews

  • Dashboard Stats

  • Social Media Planner

  • Mobile App

  • HIPAA Compliance

Price: $100/month

HIPAA Compliance Required for All Packages

Price: Additional $30/month

Growth Package

For the Expanding Practice

Designed for practices experiencing growth and needing more advanced tools to manage increasing client interactions and business complexity. The Growth Package builds upon the Foundation Package by incorporating robust scheduling capabilities, in-depth analytics, and comprehensive marketing strategies. It also adds financial tools for invoicing and payments, providing a 360-degree solution for practices looking to elevate their operations and client experience.

Everything in the Foundation Package And Also:

  • Calendar Integration

  • Appointment Booking

  • Email Campaigns

  • Workflow Automations/Triggers

  • Tags

  • Payments/Invoicing

  • Payment Refunds

  • Subscriptions

Price: $175/month

HIPAA Compliance Required for All Packages

Price: Additional $30/month

Mastery Package

For the Established, Scaling Practice

The Mastery Package is the pinnacle of practice management and marketing solutions, curated for well-established practices that are scaling and diversifying their services. It extends the Growth Package by adding sophisticated features such as AdWords and Facebook Ads reporting, advanced funnel creation, and opportunities management, offering a high level of insight and control. Additional tools for content creation and course development are included to position your practice as a thought leader in the mental health space. This is the ultimate package for therapists who demand excellence and aim to lead and innovate in their field.

Everything in the Growth Package And Also:

  • Website Creation/Hosting

  • Funnels

  • Pipelines/Opportunities

  • Membership Communities

  • Course Creation

  • Blogging

  • Adwords Reporting

  • Facebook Ads Reporting

  • Attribution Reporting

  • Lead Value

  • Affiliate Management

Price: $250/month

HIPAA Compliance Required for All Packages

Price: Additional $30/month

Onboarding & Support

Getting You Started Right!

Begin your GoPractice journey with confidence, knowing that our comprehensive onboarding process is designed to set you up for success. With your onboarding fee, you'll receive a meticulous suite of services to ensure your practice's digital infrastructure is solidly established.

As GoPractice evolves, we continuously refine our onboarding tasks to incorporate the latest advancements and best practices. Your onboarding fee not only covers the setup today but also ensures that you will benefit from any updates we integrate into our onboarding process in the near future."

  • Your onboarding begins with the creation of an account tailored to the specific needs of your practice. We'll provide you with an Onboarding Setup Form, guiding you through each step to gather the necessary details. Our team will then handle the importation of this information into your account, laying the foundation for your practice's operations.

  • The digital identity of your practice is paramount, which is why we assist with the Domain/Subdomain Setup, including the addition of your domain to GoHighLevel and the configuration of DNS records on your domain provider's platform. We ensure that your practice's website is connected and poised to present a professional image to your clients.

  • Email communication is a cornerstone of client interaction, which is why we establish a dedicated domain for your email within GoHighLevel, and meticulously configure the DNS records to ensure reliable delivery. Furthermore, our Lead Connector/SMTP Setup ensures that your emails are not only professional but also compliant with industry standards.

  • With the increasing importance of compliant text messaging, we set up Lead Connector/A2P 10DLC, importing the necessary A2P Snapshot and guiding you through the Brand/Campaign application process, ensuring that your messaging campaigns are set up with integrity and within regulatory guidelines.

  • Your onboarding fee not only encompasses a full suite of setup services but also includes three months of dedicated support. As you navigate the initial phase of your journey with GoPractice, our team will be right there to offer guidance, answer questions, and ensure a smooth transition.

Onboarding Price: $200 (non-refundable)

Continuing Success with GoPractice Support

After the initial three months of included support, we remain committed to your practice's ongoing success and growth. Our extended support services are available on an hourly basis, providing you with flexibility and expert assistance whenever you need it. Whether it's fine-tuning features, expanding your platform's capabilities, or navigating new updates, our team is ready to help. For those who prefer hands-on control, we welcome and facilitate collaboration with your chosen tech professionals to ensure GoPractice aligns perfectly with your practice's evolving needs.

Hourly Support Price: $15/hour

Frequently Asked Questions

How does GoPractice ensure the confidentiality and security of client information?

GoPractice is dedicated to maintaining the confidentiality and security of client information. We employ advanced encryption for data at rest and in transit, alongside rigorous access controls. Our platform complies with industry standards, including HIPAA regulations, to ensure that your clients' information is protected with the utmost care.

What is included in each tier of GoPractice pricing?

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What kind of support and training does GoPractice offer?

Our commitment to your success reaches far beyond software functionality. GoPractice offers comprehensive customer support, including a searchable knowledge base filled with resources, and onboarding assistance to ensure a smooth start. Additionally, you'll gain exclusive access to our member community, a collaborative space where you can connect with and learn from fellow GoPractice users.

How does the missed call text back feature work?

The Missed Call Text Back feature automatically sends a text message to your clients if their calls are not answered, ensuring you never miss an opportunity to connect. This proactive approach helps keep potential clients engaged and informed.

Can I use GoPractice for marketing automation?

With GoPractice, you can automate various aspects of your marketing. From scheduling campaigns to tracking lead engagement and ROI, our platform gives you the tools to create effective, automated marketing strategies.

What types of payments can be processed through GoPractice?

GoPractice supports a variety of payment processing options, allowing you to handle transactions via credit cards, Stripe, PayPal, and more. Our platform simplifies financial management, from invoicing to payment tracking

Is GoPractice mobile-friendly?

Absolutely, GoPractice enhances your mobility with a dedicated app, ensuring that you can manage your practice and handle communication effortlessly on the go. Designed for both smartphones and tablets, our app complements a responsive web interface for complete accessibility no matter where you are.

Can I integrate GoPractice with my existing calendar and email systems?

Yes, GoPractice seamlessly integrates with popular calendar and email systems, including Google Calendar and Microsoft Outlook. This integration ensures that your scheduling and communication are synchronized, streamlining your practice management.

How does the reputation management feature work?

GoPractice recognizes the delicate balance of confidentiality and ethics in therapy. Our discreet Reputation Management System is designed with the utmost respect for these professional standards. Instead of direct review requests, our platform focuses on indirect strategies to enhance your practice's online presence.Our system provides you with the tools to track and analyze public feedback organically received, allowing you to respond thoughtfully and maintain a positive image. With GoPractice, you can effortlessly monitor your digital footprint, ensuring your practice's integrity remains intact while subtly encouraging a trustworthy online narrative that aligns with the exceptional care you provide.

Can I customize the features within my chosen tier?

GoPractice allows for customization within your chosen tier, enabling you to tailor the platform to your specific needs. Our team can guide you through adjusting your plan's features to best suit your practice.

What happens if I decide to cancel my subscription?

If you need to cancel your subscription, GoPractice offers a straightforward cancellation policy. We require a standard notice period, after which any pre-paid fees will be prorated and refunded accordingly.

Does GoPractice offer any analytics or reporting tools?

GoPractice offers a comprehensive suite of analytics and reporting tools, enabling you to closely monitor and analyze various aspects of your practice, from appointment statistics to the efficacy of your marketing campaigns. These insights are crucial for making informed, data-driven decisions. To fully understand how these tools can benefit your practice, we highly recommend asking about them during your demonstration of GoPractice, where you can see firsthand the power and depth of our analytics capabilities.

How do the Facebook Ads and AdWords reporting features work?

Our platform integrates with Facebook Ads and Google AdWords, offering comprehensive reporting features. You'll have access to campaign performance data, enabling strategic adjustments and better budget allocation.

Can I create and host online courses directly through GoPractice?

GoPractice empowers you to create and host online courses, providing a dynamic platform for patient education and your professional development. Beyond sharing valuable knowledge, you have the flexibility to set fees and offer these courses for sale, opening up new revenue streams for your practice. Furthermore, GoPractice enables the creation of membership communities, designed with strict adherence to ethical standards and confidentiality. These communities offer a controlled environment for deeper engagement and learning, allowing you to expand your practice's impact while maintaining the highest level of professional integrity.

What if I already have a website hosted somewhere else?

GoPractice is designed to complement your existing online presence seamlessly. For those with WordPress sites, we offer an easy import option to host your site on our platform for a small monthly fee. Beyond WordPress, GoPractice enhances your current website by enabling you to embed our forms, surveys, chat widgets, and more directly into your site. Additionally, you can utilize subdomains to create effective funnels, even if you are using a different website developer. As we continue to grow, we're also working on expanding our integrations to include other popular website development tools, ensuring comprehensive compatibility and flexibility for your practice's digital needs.

Ready to Go Further with Your Practice?

Explore the Business-Boosting Features of GoPractice. Schedule Your Demo Now!

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